
Following the Light

January 5, 2020 • Peter Mueller

As the people of Israel followed the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire at night; as the wise men followed the star to worship the newborn baby king Jesus; so we, too, follow the light of God's word as we enter a new year of trusting and following Jesus and His light in our darkness. As we do, He calls us to join Him to shine like stars in the sky to be the light of the world!

The Deteriorated Garden

December 1, 2019 • Peter Mueller

Our world once was a blissful garden where life was about innocent enjoyment of all that God had created. As is obvious, since then some things have gone horribly wrong and the garden has deteriorated. Ever since Adam and Eve fell into sin, humanity has been waiting and longing for that day when all is made right again - that started when Jesus was born and will be made complete when He returns. As we begin the Advent season of waiting, it’s important to both grieve over all that has been lost and to enjoy great hope that the best is yet to come!

From Darkness to Light: Preparing the Way

December 8, 2019 • Peter Mueller

Many people pursue all kinds of ways to prove themselves to others, whether to earn affirmation or to atone for wrongdoing. The bottom line is that, as humans, we are conscious of our limitations and failures and we want to become better people than we are. John the Baptist called people in his time and calls us now towards admitting our mistakes, turning our backs on them, and trusting Jesus both for forgiveness and transformation. As we respond to John and Jesus, we can find great life as we wait expectantly to celebrate His birth and anticipate His soon return.

God Does Extraordinary Things with Ordinary People

December 15, 2019 • Peter Mueller

We often lift up biblical characters as if they were superheroes of some kind. In reality, they were mostly very ordinary people living ordinary lives in ordinary places. God’s specialty is doing extraordinary, world-changing things in and through otherwise ordinary people like you and me. This advent season we can give thanks for God’s extraordinary work in and through the lives of Mary and Joseph as they became the parents of our Savior.