
Father to the Fatherless - Top Gun: Maverick

June 16, 2024 • Peter Mueller • Psalm 31:1–16, John 9:1–12

This week we’ll kick off a new message series called “God at the Movies”. The reality is that the good news of Jesus has permeated our culture in all kinds of ways people aren’t even aware of, and biblical themes are subtly embedded (often unknowingly) all over the place, including many of our favorite movies. The biggest movie of 2022, Top Gun: Maverick is no exception as it is full of themes about anger and forgiveness, the provision of a father for the fatherless, and sacrifice for the sake of others. This Sunday’s message will take a look at some scenes from this movie and how it illustrates the truth of God’s Word for dads and for anyone who would put their faith in Jesus.