
Live As Free People

May 29, 2016 • Peter Mueller

On this Memorial Day Weekend, we give thanks in our country for those who have served and are serving in our armed forces. We take a moment to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their lives. Additionally, we also take a moment or two to reflect on the hard earned gift of freedom, and what it means to live in a free country. As followers of Jesus, we are called to use that freedom to serve and to love others as Jesus first served and loved us.

Everyone Has a Role to Play

May 22, 2016 • Peter Mueller

Just like every part of your body is important and valuable, so every person that is a part of God’s family by faith has an important and irreplaceable role to play in the work of His Kingdom. What’s your role?

Called to Serve

May 15, 2016 • Peter Mueller

We live in a “have it your way” culture that highly values customer service. Contrary to that, Jesus calls us to selflessly serve others even as He served us first. Also, He has sent His Spirit into our lives to equip us for the task and work of serving others - we don’t serve alone!