
You Are Not Alone

John 14:15-18

January 29, 2023 • Pastor Mark Wilson • John 14:15–18

In today's section of John 14, Jesus wants to make sure that the disciples understand He’s leaving, but He’s not leaving them alone. That the road ahead is going to be difficult and lots of traffic and obstacles and challenges, but they are not making the journey by themselves.

Pathway to Peace

February 12, 2023 • Pastor Mark Wilson • John 14:25–31

What Jesus is promising in this passage is very different from what the world offers. He is promising peace by virtue of His presence in our lives. It’s real. It’s genuine. It’s eternal, and it goes deeper than any of our circumstances. What makes this so powerful is that Jesus was fully aware of the disturbing suffering that He was about to face, and yet He had such confidence in the purpose and power of the Father that He moved forward wholeheartedly with peace instead of fear. Moving forward, his peace would be a source of courage for the disciples.

Anyone Who Loves Me Will...

February 5, 2023 • Pastor Mark Wilson • John 14:19–24

In today's passage, Jesus clearly lays out the formula for how He measures love. He says, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching."  We show our love for Him when our hearts are committed, and when we begin living out what what we profess to be true about our life and our belief. What is it that we are working for? What is it that we are pursuing? Join us as we pursue these questions during today's message.

When It's Hard to See

January 22, 2023 • Pastor Mark Wilson • John 14:6–14

Many of us were hoping that 2023 would bring more clarity to what we would be facing, and yet several weeks in, we are still dealing with a heavy fog. I don’t know what your fog was, but you know, maybe you trusted someone, and they took advantage of you. Maybe someone you love has stopped loving you in return. Or maybe you were already dealing with some financial hardships or some health struggles.  For most of us, we have had some moments where we feel like giving up for this season. Maybe you just want to scream, "Just wake me up when it’s over!"   When it's hard to see, there are certainties that we can hang on to.