
The Time In Between

A Time to Yearn for the End

November 19, 2023 • Pastor Mark Schutz • Matthew 25:31–46

We have come to the end of the Church Year. It is time to talk about the end of this world on Judgment Day. That day does not scare the believer. The first time Christ came he saved us from our sin and the accusations for the devil. The second time Christ comes, he will save us from everything else. On that day, disease, gone. Abuse, gone. Heartache, gone. Even death is ended. None of those things will exist ever again. But we will exist forever with our Lord Jesus. Until then we live in the time in between. As we look at all Christ did at his first coming, we yearn for him to come again to end this broken world and to usher all the saints into everlasting glory.

A Time for Faithful Service

November 12, 2023 • Pastor Mark Schutz • Matthew 25:14–30

What do you do while you wait? As Christians, we are waiting for Christ's return, but this doesn't mean sitting idly by. God has blessed each of us with gifts to use to his glory. What gifts will you discover today?

A Time for Watchfulness

November 5, 2023 • Pastor Mark Schutz • Matthew 25:1–13

As we wait for Christ's return, it can be easy to get distracted. We become distracted, spiritually. We are even in danger of falling asleep, spiritually. Jesus reminds us that now is a time of being spiritually alert and watchful so that the day of his return doesn't take us by surprise.

A Time for Steadfast Faith

October 29, 2023 • Pastor Mark Schutz • Daniel 6:10–23

As we wait for Christ's return, history and current events show that God's Church is hated by this world. It was true in the days of Martin Luther and it is true today. The Devil, the world, and our own sinful flesh despise the Gospel, even though it is the only way for us to be saved. So, during this time in between, we ask the Lord to keep us steadfast in the faith and give us the peace of knowing that our lives are safe in his hands.

A Time to Focus on Future Glory

October 22, 2023 • Pastor Mark Schutz • Revelation 7:9–17

The time in between Christ’s first and second coming are going to be full of hardship, especially for believers. How do we bear it? We remember that this is temporary. We focus on the future glory that waits for us.