James 5:7-20 - To receive the implanted Word means to seek and embrace the wisdom of God. In this passage James challenges the area of suffering and how prayer is to guide us through it.
Money & Control
April 30, 2017 • Bill Covert
James 4:13-5:6 - To receive the implanted Word means to seek and embrace the wisdom of God. In this passage James challenges the area of money and gives us God's wisdom on the topic.
April 23, 2017 • Lane Sanford
James 4:1-12 - To receive the implanted Word means to seek and embrace the wisdom of God. In this passage James challenges the area of worldliness and gives us God's wisdom on the topic.
April 2, 2017 • Lane Sanford
James 3:1-12 - To receive the implanted Word means to seek and embrace the wisdom of God. In this passage James challenges the area of our speech and gives us God's wisdom on the topic.
Active Faith
March 26, 2017 • Bill Covert
James 2:14-26 - To receive the implanted Word means to seek and embrace the wisdom of God. In this passage James challenges us to embrace a living and active faith toward people and gives us God's wisdom on the topic.
March 19, 2017 • Lane Sanford
James 2:1-13 - To receive the implanted Word means to seek and embrace the wisdom of God. In this passage James challenges to fully embrace impartiality toward all people and gives us God's wisdom on the topic.
Embracing the Implanted Word (2)
March 12, 2017 • Dick Mutchler
James 1:22-27 - James provides a proper response to "various kinds of trials." This response involves putting away our natural reactions to trials and coming under the authority of the "word of truth" that was fully given at the point of salvation. This includes both hearing the word and doing what it says.
Embracing the Implanted Word (1)
March 5, 2017 • Bill Covert
James 1:19-21 - James provides a proper response to "various kinds of trials." This response involves putting away our natural reactions to trials and coming under the authority of the "word of truth" that was fully given at the point of salvation. This includes both hearing the word and doing what it says.
Responding To Trials (2)
February 26, 2017 • Lane Sanford
James 1:1-18 - God has shown us that spiritual stability in Christ is the only way to embrace the mission of God. In the letter of James we will find that God has also shown us the context where spiritual stability grows within us - through trials. This first begins with how we view trials and also how we respond to them.
Responding To Trials (1)
February 19, 2017 • Lane Sanford
James 1:1-18 - God has shown us that spiritual stability in Christ is the only way to embrace the mission of God. In the letter of James we will find that God has also shown us the context where spiritual stability grows within us - through trials. This first begins with how we view trials and also how we respond to them.