
Big and Ugly, Small and Petty

Downtown Minneapolis

May 19, 2024 • Cor Chmieleski • Romans 14

Have you ever disagreed with another Christian? Have you ever disagreed with a church you’ve been a part of? If so, today’s passage is for you. It deals with that gray area of opinion, items that are neither commanded nor prohibited in Scripture. In other words, there is freedom to choose. This becomes fertile ground for disagreement amongst Christians. And yet God gives us an exceedingly high calling—to love even at expense of our own freedom.


1. As a church, is it our aim to put no stumbling block in the path of faith except Christ?

2. In the name of Christ, might we show a better way than quarreling (i.e. belligerence) over disputable matters?

3. Is Christ your treasure because he forgives not only the big and ugly, but also the small and petty?

More from Romans

Just Getting Started

June 16, 2024 • Cor Chmieleski • Romans 16

This is our last sermon dedicated to the book of Romans. Rather than see this as a type of finish line, might we instead see how God is just getting started. May this gospel message be imprinted deeper upon our hearts. May our church live by faith in Jesus Christ. May we stand justified by his grace as a gift. May we believe that what God has done he will continue to do. In other words, God’s not done with us; he’s just getting started! For all of this and more, we give God all the glory! Questions: Might we give thanks to God, even today, for this wonderful book? Might we ascribe all glory to him alone?

The Family and Mission of God

June 16, 2024 • Drew Zuehlke • Romans 16

Gospel. Community. Mission.

June 9, 2024 • Cor Chmieleski • Romans 15:23–33

We’re nearing the end of our time in the book of Romans. Throughout it, there have been countless reminders of God’s faithfulness and goodness. We’ve pushed deeper into the gospel and life in his Spirit. But we’re not done. Even as Paul recounts his travel plans, we see afresh God’s heart to save and refresh and provide for his people. Questions: 1) Is it (y)our desire for the gospel to be shared with all? 2) Is it (y)our desire to bring refreshment to some within your community? 3) Is it (y)our desire to meet needs and encourage one another—mission to one?