
The Gospel Changes You

January 10, 2023 • Jeff Potts • Romans 6:19

January 10 - The Gospel Changes You

“For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members to slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification.” - Romans 6:19

At the moment of salvation, we are radically changed. Upon believing in Jesus and his life, death, and resurrection, and placing our faith in him for salvation, we are justified, or declared innocent and righteous in the eyes of God. That righteousness becomes the defining marker for us, where we are no longer defined or ruled by our past sins, but now defined and ruled by righteousness.

“My justification has something to say to me by way of directing me how to live my life each day. What it directly me to do is to be holy; and what results from my obedience to its rule is sanctification, or holiness of life.” - Milton Vincent / A Gospel Primer

We are not only saved into a new way of living, but we are also guided and instructed on how to live that life in a way that pleases God. It’s like having a map and guide at Disneyland. You’re at an amazing place, and now you know where to go and what to do.

The Gospel changes you. Know it. Rehearse it. Share it.