
Joy to your world!

Daily Christmas Devotion

Worshipping with your whole heart

December 19, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Matthew 2:1–8

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Do not be afraid

December 18, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Matthew 1:20, Luke 1:30, Luke 2:10, Luke 1:13

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Finding peace in the chaos

December 14, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Isaiah 26:3–4, Luke 2:1–6

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

God answers prayers

December 13, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Luke 1:57–80, Psalm 138

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.


December 12, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Luke 1:46–56

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Joy to the world

December 11, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Luke 1:39–45, Psalm 16

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Let every heart prepare Him room

December 10, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Matthew 1:18–25, Colossians 1:25–29

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Disappointed at Christmas

December 9, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Matthew 1:18–19, Romans 5:1–5

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

A bondslave for Christ

December 8, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Luke 1:38, Psalm 119:1–16

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Divine Interruptions

December 7, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Luke 1:36–38, Genesis 18:10–14

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Heaven touches earth

December 6, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Luke 1:29–35, Psalm 17

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

The favor of God

December 5, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Luke 1:26–29, Isaiah 9:2–7

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Peace on earth

December 4, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Isaiah 53

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Preparing for destiny

December 3, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Luke 1:24–25, Isaiah 40:28–31

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

God hears your prayers

December 2, 2023 • Pastor Holly Smith • Luke 1:8–23, Matthew 7:7–11

Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven's entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered, and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experience of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias, Elizabeth, the shepherds, and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.