
Never a Final Chance

September 29, 2024 • Elise Koenemann • Titus 3:5, Titus 3:4–7, Psalm 51:10

There it was, in black, white, red, and a touch of green, my fourth final-last chance-you-won’t-get- another-opportunity notice to renew my subscription. With a renewal I would receive a booklet of grandma’s cookie recipes, be entered in the magazine-for-life drawing and would never miss an issue through the automatic renewal process (fine print “current price”).

If you’re feeling a slump in your faith or seeing the bottom of the faith barrel, your faith subscription will not run out. Renewal began in the waters of baptism, there are no gimmicks. God has not abandoned you. Ask the Holy Spirit for renewed faith, read God’s Word, and mingle with his people at worship.