
Signed Up for Heaven

September 17, 2024 • Harriet Monn Stennfeld • Mark 16:16, Matthew 25:31–40, Revelation 21:27

After just a few days in kindergarten, my granddaughter, Elli, in a disgruntled voice asked, “Who signed me up for this?” Her first impression of school did not meet up with all she had heard about it. Even as adults, there are times, when embroiled in an unpleasant situation, we might wonder “who or what got me into this?”

However, I am thrilled and thankful to be signed up for heaven. My name was recorded in the Lamb’s book of life at my baptism. What a comfort to know that when Christ returns on Judgment Day, I, along with all believers, will hear him say, “Come inherit the kingdom prepared for you.”