NEW YEAR House Fire Prophetic Worship and Prayer Night

DSM Hollywood

January 11, 2025
6:30 - 9:00pm

Ring in the New Year with a night of worship, declarations, and revelation! Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to experience the power of God's presence and peace as we celebrate the NEW YEAR with a night of prophetic worship and declaration! There is no better way to kick off the new year than to spend time in the beauty of His presence. We welcome you to dedicate 2025 unto the Lord, and allow yourself to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and everlasting love of God.

Our prayer with these monthly gatherings is that each person would allow God's consuming and refining fire to burn away all things that are not of Him!

This gathering is in Rancho Cucamonga at a private residence. All are welcome. Street parking Available.