
"Souper" Bowl Sunday

"Soup to make Sunday Super!"

February 11, 2024
9:00am - 12:00pm

With the NFL “Championship Game” taking place on Sunday, February 11, the SPLASH Zone Kids Ministry is asking all ages, including the adult congregation, to gear up for Team Jesus and wear their favorite NFL team jersey or t-shirt as the kids and adults join together to support our local missions with our food pantry outreach. Everyone is asked to bring shelf-stable, non-expired soups, either boxed or canned, to donate to our church food pantry. Every soup item a child brings will count as 1 entry into a prize drawing! The kids are hoping to have all of Holland First join them by wearing a jersey and participating in this missional outreach. Just drop your donations into the “Souper” Bowl containers that will be located by the entrance doors. ***Pastors Jason and Jennifer will also have a photo backdrop available for you to get a picture in your jersey!