
HAC Christmas Feast!

At the Hinton Centre

December 13, 2024
4:30 - 8:30pm
220 spots remaining

Join in the HAC Christmas Family Feast and Fellowship!

This fully catered meal features:

Turkey and all the fixings

Mashed Potatoes





As in previous years, we ask that participants contribute desserts. We know how our HAC family LOVES to make and enjoy dessert, so we looking forward to seeing the delicious delights you will bring this year.

To make room for the large numbers who participate, we have booked the meal at Hinton Centre. We'll be asking for some helping hands to set up tables, the buffet and to help with clean up, dishes and tear down. We'll break the evening into short shifts so that many hands will get light work and all will get to enjoy the meal. Please talk to Lisa in the office if you'd consider taking a short shift as a helper.