September 10, 2023 • Pastor Kevin P. Horath • John 17:3–23
Kingdom living is not just a responsibility; it is also a reward. We can begin to experience the intimacy God wants to have with us when we follow the instructions He gives us for kingdom living.
On Earth, Part 1
September 3, 2023 • Pastor Kevin P. Horath • Colossians 1:9–14
As members of the Kingdom, we have the responsibility for being the reach of God’s kingdom on earth. Although that means we must work, it does NOT mean we work for our salvation. We don't work to be saved; we work because we are saved! That is how we find our rest.
God adopted us into the Kingdom; we should live in a way that recognizes and responds to that adoption.
Kingdom Come
August 27, 2023 • Pastor Kevin P. Horath • Matthew 6:9–21
Jesus has provided us with his idea of what should happen within the kingdom of God. We must realize what Jesus wants to happen within the kingdom of God, so we can begin to be engaged in the will of God!
The Kingdom Is Like...
August 20, 2023 • Pastor Kevin P. Horath • Matthew 13:31–46
In today's text, Jesus describes the kingdom of heaven as He sees it and as how we ought to see it. If you don't understand the "Kingdom of God," perhaps you can begin to understand while we carefully examine how Jesus describes it.