
Christians and Politics

October 13, 2024 • Pastor Joe Dickinson • Matthew 5:13–16

In the sermon titled "Christians and Politics," Pastor Joe emphasizes that while the church's primary mission is evangelism and discipleship, Christians have a responsibility to engage in the political landscape. The sermon draws on biblical figures like Joseph, Daniel, Esther, and Paul, who each used their positions to influence political leaders for the greater good. The examples illustrate that faith and politics can intersect meaningfully, challenging the notion that Christians should avoid political engagement entirely. Instead, they are encouraged to see politics as an avenue for demonstrating their faith and values.

The sermon further outlines practical ways for Christians to influence politics: by voting in alignment with Christian values, respectfully voicing their beliefs to political representatives, and praying for leaders. The speaker warns against placing faith in political parties or leaders for salvation, asserting that true hope lies in Jesus Christ. Ultimately, the message calls for Christians to be active, positive influences in all spheres of life, including politics, asserting that their role is vital in shaping a just and moral society.