2024 Youth Sunday | Unified Service

Pentecost Sunday

May 19, 2024 • Youth, Chris Jackson

Confirmation Class: Chase Barefoot, Parker Guy, Wilson Harrell, Lawson Sherrill, Justin Schaffer, Izzabelle Stearns, Mary Ellen Thompkins

Moses in the Wilderness Cast

Readers: Nancy Augustine, Brooks Barefoot, Sarah Bryan,

Kelsey McCarthy, Lawson Sherrill

Moses: Chase Barefoot

Aaron: Brooks Barefoot

Angel of the Lord: Mary Ellen Thompkins

Pharoah: Izzy Stearns

Joshua: Zizi Igwilo

Caleb: Chidilim Igwilo

Water & Fire: Zizi Igwilo, Rory Ivey, Maddie Stearns, Wade Tilghman

Youth Praise Team: Sarah Bryan, Stuart Harrell, Kelsey McCarthy, Foster Page, Justin Schaffer, Lawson Sherrill, (Kristin McCarthy)

Ushers: Rory Ivey, Lawson Sherrill, Wade Tilghman, Mary Ellen Thompkins