
Hide and Seek

Hiding Out

March 28, 2021 • Pat Bills

The final move of humanity in the garden was to hide from the very one who created them to be good. Hiding us what we often do best when we believe the lies of the enemy. This morning we confess the ways that we hide while waiting to be found by the God of love.

Naked and Ashamed

March 21, 2021 • Pat Bills

Shame is one of the strongest forces in our world. It is the enemy's way of telling us" "You are not good enough." Join us as we acknowledge the presence and power of shame in our sinfulness.

Being Afraid

March 14, 2021 • Pat Bills

The story of scripture declares more than anything else: "Do not be afraid." And yet, this was the first move made by humanity after the dreadful choice and their eyes were opened. This morning we unpack the "why" of fear and how this reality is the great lie of the enemy.

A Dreadful Choice

March 7, 2021 • Pat Bills

It was so much more than a snake giving a lady an apple. It was a choice that was willingly made by the image-bearers of God to go against the will of God. Join us as we take a painful look into the dreadful choice that set our world in a direction of fear, shame, and hiding.