
Eccelsia- A Church on the Move

October 2, 2022 • Pat Bills

This morning we remind ourselves of the purpose and plan for God's mission through the church. As a continuation of the Jesus story, Paul prays over the church in Ephesians and reminds them of their bold mission as the ecclesia- the called out ones- for God's mission filled with God’s power. Are we ready to join the church on the move as we move?

Sent by the Spirit

October 23, 2022 • Pat Bills

What is the fuel for a church on the move? According to the second Testament our fuel is our fruit... the fruit of the Spirit of Christ in our life. It is the Spirit that moves the church on the move! This morning we are invited to be fueled by the Spirit and be sent boldly into the world around us.

Grow in Christ

October 16, 2022 • Pat Bills

In all of Paul's letters to the eccelsia, there is a clear expectation for growing and maturing in Christ. What does this look like? How does growth in Christ happen? Join us as we explore these questions and remind ourselves of how critical it is for us to grow in Christ if we are to move with Christ.

Loved By God

October 9, 2022 • Pat Bills

The first step in moving with God is to be loved fully by God. As one of the fundamental building block of discipleship, this morning we explore how a church on the move must first live from a place of being loved so they can love others and their community well.