
Listening to the Song of Joy

December 17, 2023

Today we are proud to welcome a dear friend into the pulpit to help us listen to the song of Mary. Join us as we ready our hearts to hear a most famous hymn while boldly asking: "What might allow our soul to rejoice in God our savior?"

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Listening to the Song of Hope

December 10, 2023

This morning the Shepherds are in the field and an angel shows up and begins to sing of "good news and great joy" that ushers in "peace among those whom God favors." Join us as we listen to the wondrous announcement of the angels to the shepherd in each one of us as we wait for the coming King. 

Listening to the Song of Hope

December 3, 2023

This morning we turn up the volume and listen to the song of Zechariah. He is singing a song of hope all Israel has been waiting for and announcing the soundtrack for "light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death." Join us as we sing a song of hope for the coming King.