

As we continue with our sending spotlight, February brings us one of our faithful disciples here at Highland Oaks. He has been a member here for several decades, worked with the Dallas area transit authority, and is a frequent guest to all things Disney World. But what makes this guest so special is his ability to embody sending as someone who is “retired” but still very much on mission with God. Join us as we here from this special servant of God and let’s learn how we might be sent into the world as well.


This month features one of our disciples who has been sent as a missionary overseas and now continues to be sent in her everyday life here in the DFW area. She also knows what it’s like to send her own family out to participate in the mission of God. Come and listen in on a conversation where we discuss what it means to give away what we love for the sake of God’s kingdom.


This month in our sending spotlight we visit with with one of our servants in the Sunday morning tech crew. Though you may not see him - you wouldn't "hear" anything without his work on the sound board. But this servant is not just working on the sound board- he is sent out to give people ``compassionate honesty" through his work of caregiving and medical care. Be sure and tune in to our March Sending Spotlight!


This month we visit with a special lady who creates safe spaces for high school students each day. Through the gift of a safe presence and a kind smile, this disciple will be sure to encourage you to do the same in your work and home. Please listen to discover who our special guest is for this month and be encouraged in your sending!