
Why Should I Believe In God?

March 12, 2023 • Lead Pastor Scott Kircher • Romans 1:18–32

Have you ever struggled with belief? Believing in a God you have never seen or in a resurrection you have never witnessed or that the Bible really is a word from God or that God actually created this universe or that there really is a good God when there is so much evil in the world? 

Many have struggled with believing these things, but when we think through and examine the evidence regarding these beliefs, we can walk in greater assurance and with fewer struggles in our lives. 

More from Why?

Easter Sunday

April 9, 2023 • Lead Pastor Scott Kircher • Luke 24:1–8

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most pivotal events in  all of human history.  It is the foundational basis of all of Christianity.   But being that we haven’t really seen anyone resurrected with our eyes,  it can be pretty challenging to believe the resurrection.   So “Why Should I believe the Resurrection?”

Why Should I Believe In A Loving God When We Suffer?

April 2, 2023 • Lead Pastor Scott Kircher • Genesis 3

Suffering and pain seem to be everywhere.  One of the most often asked questions of people who struggle to believe in and trust in God is the issue of evil and pain and suffering.  How could there be a loving God when it seems that everyone is suffering or experiencing pain of some kind?  

Why Should I Believe In Biblical Creation?

March 26, 2023 • Lead Pastor Scott Kircher • Genesis 1:20–31

Why am I here and what is my purpose?  The answer to that question requires that we first answer How did I get here?” because that will guide us in answering our purpose.  So let’s consider how we got her and whether the evidence is compatible with Biblical Creation or Evolution.