
Believe In The Biblical Creation Of Life

April 5, 2020 • Pastor Scott Kircher

Why am I here and what is my purpose? The answer to that question requires that we first answer “How did I get here?” because that will guide us in answering our purpose. So today we will look at How we got here and whether the evidence we find in reality helps us to Believe in Biblical Creation.

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Believe In Christ's Return

April 19, 2020 • Pastor Scott Kircher

The Return of Jesus Christ is a belief that should bring hope and strength. We serve a God who has not left us and forgotten about us, but is with us through His Spirit and will return to bring us to be with Him forever!

Believe In The Resurrection

April 12, 2020 • Pastor Scott Kircher

Believe The Truth Of The Trinity

March 29, 2020 • Pastor Scott Kircher

The Trinity is a belief that can be difficult to understand for our limited minds but is a vital aspect of truly knowing God and being able to truly live and love in the power of God. What does it mean to truly believe the truth of the Trinity?