
Do Not Steal

Commandment 8

August 15, 2021 • Lead Pastor Scott Kircher • Exodus 20:15

In every society, taking that which is someone else’s is wrong. Even those who profess moral relativism would have a hard time not saying it was wrong if someone stole from them. For Christians, are there things that we are stealing from God that we may not have considered?

Recap Of The Commandments

August 29, 2021 • Angel Contreras

Do Not Harm Your Neighbor

Lead Pastor Scott Kircher • Exodus 20:16–17

The last 2 commandments – Do not Give False Testimony and Do not Covet – are more about ways we harm our Neighbor. Jesus said the second greatest commandment after Loving God is Loving our Neighbor. What are ways we harm our Neighbor that we can stop doing to bring more glory to the Lord?

Do Not Commit Adultery

August 8, 2021 • Lead Pastor Scott Kircher • Exodus 20:14

The seventh Commandment tells the Israelites that they shall not commit adultery. What is the big deal with adultery and what is God’s design for sex and how can a person keep themselves from not only committing the act of adultery, but also from allowing our hearts to sin through lust?