
Sorrow Into Singing

Isaiah 54

May 14, 2023 • Lee Arnold • Isaiah 54

All of us go through times when we feel spiritually barren. We feel like nothing is happening. We feel dry and troubled – and the tendency is to pull back, to be discouraged, to be defeated.

Yet we must fight this tendency for the Bible says the time we feel barren, desolate, cold and unproductive is the very time we are to sing, to make a loud, joyful noise. That’s why Paul would say, “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4). He didn’t say, “Rejoice if you can,” or, “Rejoice when it’s convenient,” or, “Rejoice when you feel like it.” He said, “Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS” – even when you’re feeling barren – perhaps especially when you’re feeling barren. (Courson)

When we praise the Lord through our trials, it changes our perspective and He provides peace through it all.

Learn more about what God is speaking to us in Isaiah 54 with Founder of He's The Solution Ministries, Lee Arnold.

Hope For All

October 27, 2023 • Lee Arnold • Isaiah 66

Join us as we end our journey in the book of Isaiah. Lee Arnold, founder of He's The Solution Ministries, is teaching from the last chapter in the book of Isaiah and is speaking n how blessed those who love Israel are. He speaks on how we should continue praying for Israel. Watch full sermon for more! To be part of our Bible discussion on Wednesdays visit https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqazhprwhcohpbddv3q3rrnekzevveetnfrnd6uxxbq3jtc0trcvrlu3dyqmtlz29jvze5ohvdb0zpb1rarmpomi1srufyylznvjz2awpncgzir0x2mmzyluzyykntwlnuceffnetwnznsruqwnwryullbcudqvvg4u3cwnxnudjq2n3lstwjtdvbnx0dbwvbvltzzbw&q=https%3a%2f%2fhesthesolution.com%2f&v=udr1teeml1c Reach out to the prayer line at 800-461-0216 or message us on Facebook at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqbhrhatdxb1bwce5fwm5hctg3sjjtq0x2d29rd3xbq3jtc0trlxrtukjfm3fox0ljmehfsfjtcvbgrxplejnhyw5dulhklvbirmjzwklnb0npcm1yatvrbzrey1v0a2t4tklzctnqtflktvdns2lane5kexl1qjbjnv9pu3vfz1bnmetkwdrkvnbpvetfowt0tjvmzw&q=https%3a%2f%2fwww.facebook.com%2fhesthesolution%2f&v=udr1teeml1chttp://www.facebook.com/hesthesolution if you would like to speak with someone

The Righteousness of God's Judgement

October 25, 2023 • Lee Arnold • Isaiah 65

Join us as we continue in the book of Isaiah. Lee Arnold, founder of He's The Solution Ministries, is teaching from Isaiah 65. He expands on the Righteousness of God's Judgement on how God answers the prayers of his people. Those who remained faithful received life, joy, and peace beyond imagination. The disobedient would receive judgment and death. In this sermon, we are taught how God cannot overlook sin, and that He will punish it, but the faithful will know the eternal blessing of God’s new Kingdom. We are being encouraged to become a citizen in God’s kingdom today by trusting in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. To reserve our place in His new creation. We can have permanent hope and eternal life, as there is no better way than by following Him. Watch full Sermon! To be part of our Bible discussion on Wednesdays visit https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqa08wae1prvr4lu9yuhg5ajjengzcyuxylvbpz3xbq3jtc0tscs1irgfozw92oulpamryzldvcvlia1nisflqqkhlwda3yxf4d05ts1vzr3fpbfrvwljoqufprw02vtbwrehkaejjmvz6ogrmzfhjqy1pqzftrwnyevrgrtzymwrfahk5eeuywhhyn0hzu3qwzghsma&q=https%3a%2f%2fhesthesolution.com%2f&v=lb9u-fi5zvs Reach out to the prayer line at 800-461-0216 or message us on Facebook at https://http://www.facebook.com/hesthesolution if you would like to speak with someone.

Prayer for Mercy and Help

October 9, 2023 • Lee Arnold • Isaiah 64

Join us as we continue journeying in the Book of Isaiah. In this Sermon, Lee Arnold, founder of He's The Solution Ministries, is teaching from the book of Isaiah 64 about prayer for mercy and help. What kind of Man does the Lord answer in prayer? In Isaiah 64:4, Isaiah notes that it is the one who waits for the Lord. He goes on to say that the Lord will answer the prayer of the one who rejoices and does righteousness. The Lord will answer the prayer of the one who remembers the Lord in his ways. To be part of our Bible discussion on Wednesdays visit https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqa0hhce0zm3rttzayoxj0u09kse9tt21gvelnuxxbq3jtc0ttnerrd0znalf1szvfetzorfhtvvnlr0h1ekh2rv9tttl1q0pjrgjtx1pxzvv5z21ynfpcvxvnyzbunddfsmz0suhocuptexfsq3r5n21ysthzq21bdlpvzzdzac1autnfwnloadv5bdzvrkznykhvaw&q=https%3a%2f%2fhesthesolution.com%2f&v=p8t0pyb4cge Reach out to the prayer line at 800-461-0216 or message us on Facebook at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqa2c1vjlhyxdolv91rmi1vkd0ek1iugswcjhaqxxbq3jtc0tstwf3oc1mtk5nn3d0vkfxvgvlzfleqzhzzgqwci1czutun3nnv29fykfkzemxn2tmu3nqwjzylujux3dpcg85nkg2elzunudesv9eduy4b2lnnnzjq2jhtgxldlrodnntu1ltadjwswvpmw1htepvaw&q=https%3a%2f%2fwww.facebook.com%2fhesthesolution&v=p8t0pyb4cgehttp://www.facebook.com/hesthesolution if you would like to speak with someone.