
Feb.25, 2024 | Exceptional Relationships | Week 3

February 25, 2024 • Pastor Eric

This is our 3rd week in our new series: Exceptional Relationships. Building relationships God's way, not the world's way. Tune in for a powerful & encouraging message where we will look at the Feeding of the 5,000.

IF YOU ARE ONE that submitted a prayer request for our 21 days of prayer,

and have an update or answer to prayer, please let us know so we can celebrate with you or continue to pray! Please submit it by Feb 29 at this link: www.hermnaz.church/fasting 

Thank you for sharing a bit of your story & life with us. We received 150 prayer requests, most of them anonymous. We had about 35-50 people gathering each day, who loved the privilege to pray for you this month.


Feb.25 TODAY - Baby Shower for Amanda after church, for ladies

March 2, next Saturday - Bridal Shower for Holly, for ladies, 10am

March 10 - State of the Church Sunday

March 10 - Alabaster Offering Collection Day (loose coins used to build around the world)

March 10 - Taco Party after church, by donation, fundraiser for our Guatemala work trip this summer