
Sunday Service - State of the Church

March 5, 2023 • Pastor Eric & Pastor Michael

Good morning, we are glad you are tuning in! Today is State of the Church Sunday -- where we look at the past year in review and look forward to the future at HermNaz. It's gonna be a great day, dont' miss it!

* New Change: we are now only livestreaming to our HermNaz App, website, YouTube, and Roku Channel.

To chat live: make sure your HermNaz app is updated and you are logged to your account!

More about HermNaz: www.hermnaz.church


** TODAY, Guatemala Work Trip Informational Meeting -- Sunday, March 5 after church

Students Breakthrough Conference -- March 17-19; details on our website https://hermnaz.church/students

Getting to Know Dementia 6-week free workshop -- begins April 14

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