
Advent Week 4 | Dec.24

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Eric • Luke 1—2

Hey, family! Today is Sunday #4 in the Christmas Advent season--Merry Christmas!!

In this morning’s church time, we are hearing about the “No Joy” we may live in — Versus — the Joy of the angel’s announcement of good news and this great joy for all people. Basically: No Jesus…No Joy. Tune in to hear about the great joy you can have today.

CHRISTMAS EVE evening service - TONIGHT, 5:00pm-6:00pm. Candlelight, communion, music, a special Kid's Moment, and a short message about how Jesus' birth broke the silence.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting -- Sunday, January 7th through Sunday, January 28th. Submit a prayer request for HermNaz to pray for next month, and to see all the information (including daily Prayer & Worship gatherings), check out our website https://hermnaz.church/fasting