
Gaudy Hope

December 26, 2021 • Matt Graves

To conclude the Gaudy Christmas series, Matt Graves discusses God’s gaudy hope, and why we can be confident that it is more than just wishful anticipation.

Gaudy Grace

Matt Graves

To open the “Gaudy Christmas” series, Matt Graves explores the excessiveness of God’s grace and how it affects our everyday lives.

Gaudy Mercy

December 5, 2021 • Andrew Johnson

How we think about what God feels towards us shapes what we do and how we treat God. When we misunderstand God’s mercy towards us, we get an incomplete picture of who God is and who we are in Him. God’s feelings towards us is that of mercy and compassion, and is much than a “get out of hell free card.”

Gaudy Love

Matt Graves

This week in the “Gaudy Christmas” series, Matt Graves takes a look at God’s gaudy love. What makes it so gaudy? And is there more to His love than just getting us into heaven?