
Deliverance through Death pt.1

Good Friday Service

March 29, 2024 • Pastor Dustin Rogers • Exodus 12

Our study in Exodus has been building to the pivotal moment of Israel's exodus from bondage in Egypt. It is an exit that begins in chapter 12. Yet, in surprising fashion, the featured audience of God's message in chapter 12 isn't Pharaoh or the Egyptians...it's Israel. Tonight we'll learn that the final and ultimate plague that God brought down upon Egypt didn't just affect the Egyptians. We'll learn that the angel of death visited every door in that ancient empire and how this reality shaped the nation of Israel and shapes us today. Friends, there's a deep red thread that runs straight from Exodus 12 to the upper room, and then to our gathering tonight.

So, we gather to reflect upon our Savior's sacrifice for us on the cross. He willingly suffered, bled, and died to endure the wrath of God in an astonishing act of Mercy. The judgment of God should come upon us as a result of our sin and rebellion. But, we receive grace...incomparable grace! We have great reason to reflect upon the cross and rejoice in Jesus' love.

Much Love,

pastor dustin

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