
The Growth Killers

March 26, 2023 • Mike Martindale

Ever since Norman Bates operated a motel or Hannibal Lecter feasted on Fava beans and Ted Bundy gave interviews from death row, we have had a cultural obsession with Serial Killers. It is a quite morbid fascination, actually. Even though statistics indicate there may be as many as 2,000 serial killers currently active in the United States, most of us will never (thankfully) cross paths with a serial killer. Or will we?

All of us have things lurking in our own shadows that threaten us…that debilitate us, all of us. They affect our businesses and teams, our families and churches. No one is safe or immune from them. Let’s talk about things that kill our joy and our creativity. Our time, our grace, our community and unity are assaulted as well. These ‘serial killers’ slip through our carefully constructed boundaries. They are among us.

Join us as we explore the dark world of these ‘serial killers,’ and find the light of God and the finished work of Christ sufficient to deal with these ‘hidden hunters that hide within us.’