
About the Presenters

October 8, 2021 • Haewon Yoo, Daniel Moon, Dr. Kevin Tsui

Haewon, Daniel, and Kevin are all members at Hebron who love the Lord and serve the Kingdom of God through the church and their professions. They are graciously presenting various topics that touch on art, finances, and suffering. While the topics vary, they are all ways in which we experience the culture around us.

The Bible tells us that Jesus and his followers are "not of this world "(John 18:36). As we all know however, we are still in this world. Jesus lived in this world by dwelling in, interpreting, and transforming culture. In some ways, we as Christ followers are called to do the same. Let's eagerly sit with some of these cultural topics and see how the Holy Spirit has been empowering our speakers to see, interpret, and transform the culture around us.