
Jr. High Serve & Sun

July 1, 9:00am - July 2, 2024 6:00pm

Incoming 6th graders through finishing 8th graders!

Join us Monday July 1st and spend the day serving our church and community! You won't have to go home that evening because we're having our first lock in! Tuesday we'll spend the day at Pine Lake in Berne.

The cost is $25 and that'll cover breakfast for both days, dinner on Monday night and Pine Lake admission. Please pack a lunch for both Monday & Tuesday (we'll keep them in the fridge and pack them in a cooler for the next day). If you want to only pack a lunch for Monday, please send money with your kid for concessions at Pine Lake.

Start time is 9 AM Monday morning. If you do not want your kid to participate in the lock in, pick them up at 9 PM Monday and have them back by 9 AM Tuesday. Any questions about the precautions set in place for the protection of your kids & staff during the lock in? Talk to Liam or Keri Jo. We'll let you know closer to the event what time to expect us back from Pine Lake.