October 29, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Matthew 28:18–20
Sharing the Gospel is grounded in historical truths presented in Scripture. The invitation is to acknowledge Jesus as King and live in obedient faithfulness as His disciple. That makes Jesus central to the Gospel message, not the benefits we derive as Kingdom citizens.
What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
October 22, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Genesis 1:26–28, Colossians 1:15–20
What is the goal of final salvation?
October 15, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Revelation 21
In the end, God will create a new cosmos (heaven and earth). Scripture teaches that the final destination for redeemed humanity is this new earth where God resides with us. Loyalty to Jesus is the qualification for citizenship in this kingdom.
How do works operate in faith?
October 1, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Galatians 5:19–21, Romans 2:5–8, Galatians 2:15–16
Good feelings are not a characteristic of saving faith. Instead it is our good works, done in obedience to King Jesus, that are indicative of saving faith enacted.
What must I do to be saved?
September 24, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Romans 1:16–17, Romans 1:1–6
We accept the facts of the Gospel to be able to publicly confess loyalty to Jesus as King. That loyalty is then demonstrated by a genuine and obedient faithfulness to Him. Jesus showed us perfect obedient faithfulness by going to the cross. We have His example as we pray to have the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us to live out the same obedient faithfulness.
What is saving faith?
September 17, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Hebrews 11:1–3, 1 Thessalonians 1:3–8
There are instances when the English translation in Scripture does not capture the concept that was originally communicated in Greek. The description of faith (pistis) is one of those such instance. Faith is not a blind, optimistic feeling that we act on. Instead, saving faith (pistis in the Greek) is an affirmation of acting in obedience to Jesus because we know He is King.
Why does Lord of All matter?
September 10, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Acts 4:12, Romans 1:16–17, John 3:16, John 5:24–25, Galatians 4:3–5
Jesus is King; that is the Gospel. As King, He brings benefits, like salvation, that are exclusive to His people. He also brings benefits, through His people, to all humankind. Finally, He brings cosmic benefits for eternity that come from His restoration of creation.
Why do you need the good news of a king?
September 3, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Genesis 1:26–28, Romans 1:18–25
Last week, we saw in Acts 2 that Peter’s declaration of the Good News (Gospel) was emphatic; Jesus is King and Lord. Our personal salvation and redemption are grounded in that foundational truth. In looking at the purpose for which we were created, to rule creation, (Genesis 2) we see that Gospel tells us we have a King who shows us how to rule, sinlessly, by serving and safe-guarding creation. In doing so, we are restored as God’s image bearers and make His glory visible.