
Love Your Neighbor

Exodus 20:12-17

February 26, 2017 • Steve Winstead

Harvest is a non-denominational church where we love to worship God together, where the transforming message of the Gospel is preached weekly, where authentic community can be found, and where we are intentional about making disciples of Jesus Christ. We’d love for you to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. or 10:45 a.m. For more information you can visit www.harvestmemphis.org.

Romans 13:9-10
Matt 22:37-40
1 John 4:20
Romans 1:29-32
John 19:26-27
How is God, at this stage of life, leading you to honor your parents?
Matt 5:21-22
How does the anger in your heart impact your neighbor?
Matt 5:27-28
Are there any seeds of lust growing in your heart that betray your spouse, your neighbor?
Eph 4:28
Where are you failing to trust the provision of God that could lead you to steal from your neighbor?
Matt 5:33-37
Do you pursue honest speech that shows a deep, careful & abiding love of your neighbor?
Luke 12:15
Do you want what belongs to your neighbor or do you trust God to satisfy the true, deep desires of your heart?

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