
Dear Church

7 Messages

Dear Laodicea, Temperature Matters

August 1, 2021 • Revelation 3:14–22

If Jesus were to evaluate your church, what do you think He would say? What might He say to other churches in your area? We actually have a pretty good idea. In Revelation, Jesus wrote seven evaluation letters to seven first-century congregations in Asia Minor, beginning with the church in Ephesus and concluding with the church in Laodicea. Jesus reviewed each local assembly of believers’ faith and works, including points of commendation, concern, and correction. Though these letters were addressed to specific congregations in the first century, there are some remarkably relevant applications for us because we still face some of the same issues today. The seventh and final church Jesus addressed was the church in Laodicea. The letter contains some of the sharpest words of all the letters written to the churches in Asia Minor in terms of its piercing quality and penetrating intent to awaken a prideful, indifferent, and lethargic church who had grown lukewarm. It’s the only letter than contains no praise or commendation, whatsoever.

Dear Philadelphia, The Door is Open

July 25, 2021 • Revelation 3:7–13

If Jesus were to evaluate your church, what do you think He would say? What might He say to other churches in your area? We actually have a pretty good idea. In Revelation, Jesus wrote seven evaluation letters to seven first-century congregations in Asia Minor, beginning with the church in Ephesus and concluding with the church in Laodicea. Jesus reviewed each local assembly of believers’ faith and works, including points of commendation, concern, and correction. Though these letters were addressed to specific congregations in the first century, there are some remarkably relevant applications for us because we still face some of the same issues today. The sixth church Jesus addressed was the church in Philadelphia. This was a small church with little resources but rich in good works, loyal to God’s Word, and unashamed of their faith. This congregation had been faithful to the Lord in the face of real opposition. Now the Lord was opening up a new door of opportunity for the church for the advancement of gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dear Sardis, Wake Up

June 13, 2021 • Jonathan Clatt • Revelation 3:1–6

If Jesus were to evaluate your church, what do you think He would say? What might He say to other churches in your area? We actually have a pretty good idea. In Revelation, Jesus wrote seven evaluation letters to seven first-century congregations in Asia Minor, beginning with the church in Ephesus and concluding with the church in Laodicea. Jesus reviewed each local assembly of believers’ faith and works, including points of commendation, concern, and correction. Though these letters were addressed to specific congregations in the first century, there are some remarkably relevant applications for us because we still face some of the same issues today. The fifth church Jesus addressed was the church in Sardis. A church who was regarded as being vibrantly alive, but when the Great Physician put His finger on her pulse, He declared the church dead. He commanded that they wake up!

Dear Thyatira, Stop Tolerating Jezebel

June 6, 2021 • Jonathan Clatt • Revelation 2:18–29

If Jesus were to evaluate your church, what do you think He would say? What might He say to other churches in your area? We actually have a pretty good idea. In Revelation, Jesus wrote seven evaluation letters to seven first-century congregations in Asia Minor, beginning with the church in Ephesus and concluding with the church in Laodicea. Jesus reviewed each local assembly of believers’ faith and works, including points of commendation, concern, and correction. Though these letters were addressed to specific congregations in the first century, there are some remarkably relevant applications for us because we still face some of the same issues today. The fourth church Jesus addressed was the church in Thyatira who were tolerating "that woman Jezebel" who was leading some believers astray into immorality and idolatry reminiscent of the Jezebel found in 1 & 2 Kings.

Dear Pergamum, Beware of Dangerous Doctrines

May 30, 2021 • Jonathan Clatt • Revelation 2:12–17

If Jesus were to evaluate your church, what do you think He would say? What might He say to other churches in your area? We actually have a pretty good idea. In Revelation, Jesus wrote seven evaluation letters to seven first-century congregations in Asia Minor, beginning with the church in Ephesus and concluding with the church in Laodicea. Jesus reviewed each local assembly of believers’ faith and works, including points of commendation, concern, and correction. Though these letters were addressed to specific congregations in the first century, there are some remarkably relevant applications for us because we still face some of the same issues today. The third church Jesus addressed was the church in Pergamum who were commended for their faithfulness but also corrected for their compromise for some within the community held and taught doctrines of Balaam and of the Nicolaitans that involved idolatry and immorality.

Dear Smyrna, Hang in There

May 23, 2021 • Jonathan Clatt • Revelation 2:8–11

If Jesus were to evaluate your church, what do you think He would say? What might He say to other churches in your area? We actually have a pretty good idea. In Revelation, Jesus wrote seven evaluation letters to seven first-century congregations in Asia Minor, beginning with the church in Ephesus and concluding with the church in Laodicea. Jesus reviewed each local assembly of believers’ faith and works, including points of commendation, concern, and correction. Though these letters were addressed to specific congregations in the first century, there are some remarkably relevant applications for us because we still face some of the same issues today. The second church Jesus addressed was the church in Smyrna who was experiencing heavy persecution.

Dear Ephesus, Come Back

May 2, 2021 • Jonathan Clatt • Revelation 2:1–7

If Jesus were to evaluate your church, what do you think He would say? What might He say to other churches in your area? We actually have a pretty good idea. In Revelation, Jesus wrote seven evaluation letters to seven first-century congregations in Asia Minor, beginning with the church in Ephesus and concluding with the church in Laodicea. Jesus reviewed each local assembly of believers’ faith and works, including points of commendation, concern, and correction. Though these letters were addressed to specific congregations in the first century, there are some remarkably relevant applications for us because we still face some of the same issues today. The first church Jesus addressed was the church of Ephesus whose love for Christ had gone cold. It's not that they didn't love Christ, rather they did not love Him as they once did.