
Committed to the Vision

Doing What God Called You To Do

January 14, 2020 • Lee Venning

Ministry could never happen without the faithful service of so many people. It is the people of the body who make ministry happen. You were made with a specific purpose and with a plan for you.

The Rewards of Faithfulness

January 28, 2020 • Eustace and Pat Mckinnon

If we remain faithful to God and his house then there can only be blessings for us. Let us not be like the “Green House Christian” who only blooms in a protected environment. As long as they have no wind, rain or storm they’re faithful to God; but when the elements are against them, they’re weak and find themselves in situations where they lose their faithfulness to God because things aren’t perfect.

The Blessings of Obedience

January 21, 2020 • Tanya Goffin

Managing our finances righteously is one of the most challenging aspects of our Christian walk and most people find this very difficult. But it is also the route to the greatest blessings and real prosperity. Satan does not want us to be blessed and he doesn’t want the church to win souls (this takes money) and he will use every excuse and reason to stop us tithing and giving offerings and first fruits. This message should be a challenge – not a condemnation.

Focus on the Mission

January 7, 2020 • Neil Gallagher

The ultimate primary mission of Jesus himself whilst He was upon the earth was to reach and save the lost (Luke 5:32) (Luke 19:10) (John 10:16) (Mark 10:45) Jesus came to seek and to save those who were lost, to save all of us from Hell we deserve for the sins we have committed.