
The Master Builder of My Family

The Master Builder

January 12, 2021 • Neil Gallagher

The family is a masterpiece plan of God’s creation, the key component to society, in which the Bible throughout its contents has much to say about. Not all families are the same, they can differ a lot on size, circumstances, i.e. some have both parents, some are led by lone parents, but all families through keeping Christ at the centre can be happy and blessed.

David Builds God's Way

January 10, 2021 • Lee Venning

1 Chronicles 17:26–27 “You, Lord, are God! You have promised these good things to your servant. Now you have been pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever in your sight; for you, Lord, have blessed it, and it will be blessed forever”

The Master Builder of My Church

January 19, 2021 • Wendy Kandi

The Church is God's instrument for change in this world, Jesus Himself laid down His life for the Church. The Church is therefore made of people and not buildings. Don't stop building Church, don't stop taking responsibility for it for it is Christ you are serving and at the proper time God shall reward you.

The Master Builder Of My Faith

January 26, 2021 • Nipun Ekanayake

Faith is very personal; it is your connection with God. In addition to the knowledge of the facts of the Gospel and approval of the facts, to be saved, I must decide to depend on Jesus to save me.