
The Doctrine of Man

Introduction to Systematic Theology

June 15, 2010 • Jim Johnston • Revelation 4:11, Colossians 1:16–17

The Scriptures clearly teach that the original man was the direct result of a creative act of God.  Being the masterpiece of creation, man was created in the image and likeness of God as a tripartite being, consisting of spirit, soul and body.  God created man to have a relationship with Him, to be made into His image and likeness, to share in His function of dominion and to be fruitful and reproduce Himself.  Though the entrance of sin seemed to frustrate God's purpose for man in creation, this purpose will be accomplished through redemption.

Basic Doctrine

February 5, 2008 • Chip Kawalsingh

It is necessary that Christians be taught sound Bible doctrine and that all doctrine be tested by the full context of the infallible Word of God. This works inline with the formula of systematic theology. Doctrine received, believed and practised determines a person's character, behaviour and destiny.

The Christian Doctrine

June 1, 2010 • Neil Gallagher • Luke 1:1–4

It's not only important WHO you believe in, it's also important WHAT you believe about the WHO you believe in.  What we believe about him determines the Jesus we believe in.  It's not doctrine but people and the way they handle doctrine that divides the church.

The Doctrine of Revelation

June 22, 2010 • Paul Goffin • Job 11:7, 1 Corinthians 1:21

God desires to reveal Himself to all of mankind. God creating man with mental and spiritual faculties which can lead man towards a search for God.  However, since the fall of man, these mental and spiritual faculties have been blunted so mankind needs to be lead to God.  Thus God, in grace and love, has taken the initiative by giving a progressive revelation of Himself through Jesus.  Man can only personally know God through Jesus.