
Blessed Are The Meek

The Beatitudes

July 7, 2020 • Ruth Gallagher

In the Bible, the Greek word translated “meek” is praeis and refers to mildness and gentleness of spirit, or humility. The Greek understanding of the word, "meek" had to do with the breaking-in of horses, the training of animals. Imagine an untamed animal filled with passion, spirit, and energy and then imagine getting all that under control during the training process. The Greek understanding of "meek" carries with it the idea of taking all this fire, all this passion, and putting it under control. It is a breaking process.

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

June 14, 2020 • Chip Kawalsingh

As believers, wherever we are and whatever we do, we represent Jesus. We need to have peace as an attribute that marks us as believers. Wherever we go, we should have the peace of God with us and be known as ones who bring peace with them.

Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit

July 21, 2020 • Bianca Ndlovu

We live in a world that is trying to convince us that we do not need God and that we as humans are powerful; that power comes from us alone and we are self-sufficient. You have to realise your need for Him. You have to want Him more than anything else. You have to see Him as important for daily living and make Him a priority.

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

June 23, 2020 • Tanya Goffin

Pursue God until you experience His comfort and nearness. No one desires it more than Him. He wants us to have peace and joy in our lives. He wants to break the power of sin in our lives.