
Blessed Church, Blessed Life

Ephesians 1

March 5, 2019 • Ian Mann

Paul’s letters were both personal and practical. His letter to the Church in Ephesus was actually the only one written in general circular style. It was written whilst Paul was in prison around 60AD. Ephesus was a big port, a centre of commerce and had an enormous pagan temple (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world) which generated a large income. Paul made at least two visits to Ephesus (Acts 18-20) staying for about three years. Lots of people were saved but there was also a lot of opposition (from worshippers of Artemis).

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Ready For The Fight

April 9, 2019 • Neil Gallagher

Paul in the first part of the last chapter of the book (Chapter Six); addresses relationship ethics. Then in the chapter's middle section, Paul provides us with the most detailed account in the New Testament of the nature of the Christians warfare with Satan and the means of withstanding it. Paul lays down ethical instructions for the following relationships.


April 2, 2019 • Lee Venning

In Ephesians 5 Paul likens the church to obedient children, husbands and wives. He explores the rules we should follow as children in our Fathers house.

Unity and Diversity in the Body of Christ

March 26, 2019 • Tracey Mann

The book of Ephesians takes us through God's eternal plan for mankind. The first three chapters concentrate on salvation, which is both for Jews and Gentiles alike. They show the mystery of God hidden for ages, which now has been made known. They outline what we should believe. The last three chapters move on to look at the implications of the new life we have in Jesus. They focus on the church and then how we should respond as individuals and as families.