
Kings and Kingdoms

March 5, 2023 • Dr. Edward Ramirez • Daniel 2, 2 Corinthians 6:17–18

Topic: Prophetic Visions and Warnings! We are in a time when the word of God is being fulfilled in our generation! Many due to false teachings or the misinterpretation of scripture have lost faith or belief in the literal rapture spoken by the Apostles of Jesus Christ in the 1st century and by Jesus Himself in the book of revelation to John in the 1st. century! This is why Jesus warned us "Blessed is every man that reads and keeps the words of this prophecy" He also warns "Let no man add or take away from the words of this book" God showed Daniel how the Kingdoms of Kings would pass and there would be two final Kingdoms before the end. The next Kingdom right after the rapture will be the 7-year kingdom of the AntiChrist followed by the millennial Kingdom of the King of all Kings Jesus Christ! Are you watching? Are you rapture ready? Please join us today!