
Matthew 3:1-10

What is Revival?

October 9, 2022 • Paul Mowery • Matthew 3:1–10

As the days grow evil, many followers of Christ cry out for Revival, but what are they asking for? As we wade into Matthew chapter 3, we are seeing one of the greatest Revivals in human history play out. Join us as we look at what a Revival is, as well as how they begin.

Matthew 1:1-17

September 4, 2022 • Paul Mowery • Matthew 1:1–17

As we begin our verse-by-verse study of the New Testament, the first thing we are confronted with is seventeen verses of names. This of course is the family tree of the messiah. And what we learn is that we are not exactly looking at the best that humanity had to offer. Join us as we discover that Christ was connected to great sinners even before His birth.

Matthew 1:18-25

September 11, 2022 • Paul Mowery • Matthew 1:18–25

Finishing out chapter one of Matthew, we come to the description of the Incarnation. It is the holiest mystery in all of Scripture. This event happens for a single purpose. Join us as we look at the great reason for God becoming flesh.

Matthew 2:1-12

September 18, 2022 • Paul Mowery • Matthew 2:1–12

Matthew was a former employee of the Roman government, so it’s not surprising that he’s give us an understanding into what was happening in government at the time of the birth of Christ. Arriving at chapter two, he introduces us to a strange cast of characters. What we will learn is that much of what we believe about the birth of Christ is rooted more in tradition than in the Scripture.