
His Rejection—Our Acceptance

Paid In Full - Part 5

June 4, 2023 • Anthony Longoria

He was rejected so we could be accepted. Dive in deeper in this week's message with Pastor Anthony Longoria!

Discussion Questions:

1. Do I believe that I am accepted by Jesus?

2. Do I still feel rejected even though I know I am accepted by Christ?

3. Freedom is the bridge from Rejection to Acceptance…. we need to be delivered from Rejection to be Free to get to Acceptance…

If I need freedom I need too...

#1. Admit I need help

#2. Repent to God ( Change-Mind) (Romans 12:2)

#3. Recognize the Lie from Satan ( Most bondage starts w/ lie)

#4. Receive His Truth ( Forgivenss / Righteousness)

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