Our purpose in life as Christians is twofold-- to know Christ and to make Him known. If one is a Christian, then it's to be assumed he or she knows Christ (though we can never really know Him well ENOUGH this side of Heaven-- it's a lifelong pursuit). But the "making Him known" part-- well, this is where many Christians struggle. How exactly is the best way to do that? There is no "right" way, but there are tools and tips that will aid in more meaningful interactions in sharing one's faith-- and that's where this class comes in.
Week 1 - Foundations/Common Questions and Objections
Week 2 - The Power of our Testimonies & Building Relationships
Week 3 - Evangelism Everyday: Lifestyle Evangelism
Week 4 - Sharing the Gospel with Family & Friends
Purchase the optional supplemental textbook for the class here. Class led by Chris Canuel.