
5. How We Change: Teaching and Practice

John Mark Comer

October 30, 2016 • Mark, Romans, James, Matthew, John

"We live in the age of self-help, therapy, and technique-obsession. Deep down, we all know we’re broken and need to change. The question is, how? This week we begin our in depth look at the “how” of transformation. Through teaching we get a vision of the good life. Through practice, we align our loves and longings with those of Jesus."

Thank you Bridgetown Church and John Mark Comer for allowing us to upload and share this series!

For more information, click on the links provided.

1. Practicing the Way

October 2, 2016 • Mark

What does it mean to be a disciple, or apprentice, of the rabbi from Nazareth? In this teaching John Mark Comer explores a life built around three goals: be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Thank you Bridgetown Church and John Mark Comer for allowing us to upload and share this series! For more information, click on the links provided.

2. Be With Jesus

October 9, 2016 • John

"Our primary goal as followers of Jesus is learning to live in a constant state of connection to the Spirit. This is how we are able to be with Jesus, our Rabbi. We must invite him into every moment and learn to always be in two places at once—at home and with Jesus, at work and with Jesus, on your commute and with Jesus. Bring his presence into the routine of your daily life. But how do we accomplish that in the chaos of the urban, digital world? It’s pretty straightforward: to experience the life of Jesus, we must adopt the lifestyle of Jesus." Thank you Bridgetown Church and John Mark Comer for allowing us to upload and share this series! For more information, click on the links provided.

3. Become Like Jesus

October 16, 2016 • Luke, Romans, 2 Corinthians

"The promise of the New Testament is nothing short of full-on transformation, but so many of us feel a disconnect between that promise and our reality. Is change really possible? The answer is: yes, but the odds are, it’s not what you think. To become like Jesus, you must be increasingly possessed and permeated by the character traits of Jesus. Allow yourself to be transformed, from the inside out, as you work to become like Jesus." Thank you Bridgetown Church and John Mark Comer for allowing us to upload and share this series! For more information, click on the links provided.