
Hebrews (2020's)

Hebrews 5 Part 2 (2022)

January 23, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

The letter to the Hebrews tells us that Jesus has been designated by God the Father to be our great High Priest. What does that mean? What does a high priest do? And what makes Jesus a special High Priest? In this second of two studies in Hebrews 5, covering verses 5-14, Pastor Mat answers these questions and more.

Hebrews 5 Part 1 (2022)

January 23, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

What made Jesus' sacrifice on the cross superior to the Old Testament animal sacrificial system? Why is His death able to cleanse us of sin for all time? In this first study through Hebrews 5, covering verses 1-4, Pastor Mat explains that Jesus had to actually fulfill three offices to be qualified to save us.

How to Run Your Race (2022)

January 19, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

The average person can run, but not everyone can run a marathon. However, that it what the Christian walk really is -- a marathon. How do we run that kind of spiritual race? Pastor Mat draws from Hebrews 12 to point out what we need to do in order to be able to keep going and finish what can often be a challenging course.