
Guest Speakers - Igor Alexis

Assistant Pastor GRC

Middle-of-the-Road or Perfection - Igor Alexis

May 22, 2024 • Pastor Igor Alexis • Ecclesiastes 7:15–18

What is the meaning of life? The Teacher looked for it in five earthly spheres: wisdom, pleasure, power, community service, and religion. Ultimately, none of them satisfied. Why? Pastor Igor points out that the reason is the Teacher was looking for answers in worldly pursuits, while true satisfaction is only found in the heavenly realm. What does this have to do with being lukewarm or perfect? Listen and find out.

The One Greater Than All - Igor Alexis

April 3, 2024 • Pastor Igor Alexis • Matthew 12:40–41

Pastor Igor compares the person, ministry and message of the prophet Jonah with Jesus Christ, proving not only who is greater of the two, but who is the one greater than all.

The Urgency of the Great Commission - Igor Alexis

February 28, 2024 • Pastor Igor Alexis • Matthew 28:18–20

Pastor Igor wanted two videos to be shown during this powerful teaching on the Great Commission. Unfortunately, due to technical issues, we were not able to show them. But they are well worth watching, and the links are here: #1 - What is an Unreached People Group http://vimeo.com/128750127 #2 - The Power of Multiplication https://youtu.be/akk9eayr2h0

Life Without God - Igor Alexis

January 14, 2024 • Pastor Igor Alexis • Colossians 1:15–17, Ecclesiastes 1:1–11

Pastor Igor looks at "the Teacher's" futile search for meaning in life, and then reveals to us where we can truly find meaning and lasting satisfaction.

Jesus Did It for Me - Igor Alexis

December 13, 2023 • Pastor Igor Alexis • Deuteronomy 10:12–13, Ecclesiastes 12:8–14

The book of Ecclesiastes raises a lot of questions with which people have always struggled, like: what is the meaning of life? The Teacher searched various earthly philosophies and concluded that life is meaningless. But Pastor Igor stresses that life does have meaning if you understand Who has put us here and why. The answer is to fear God. How do we know that we fear God? Listen to this study and find out.

Trust and Obey - Igor Alexis

October 29, 2023 • Pastor Igor Alexis • Exodus 17:1–7, 1 Corinthians 10:1–4

Is the Lord with us or not? That was the question the Children of Israel asked in the wilderness when they were thirsty. Having been delivered miraculously from Egypt, having been fed with manna from heaven, having already been provided with water by the Lord, they still did not trust His provision for them. Pastor Igor asks, do WE trust God to provide for us when times of testing and trials arise?

Whose Heart Do You Have?

October 15, 2023 • Pastor Igor Alexis

In this powerful study, Pastor Igor points out that Jonah is not so much a book of prophecy as it is a story of the prophet himself. Jonah is called to give a warning from God to an enemy nation and runs from that calling, not out of fear, but out of hatred. God didn't want Nineveh's destruction; He wanted their repentance. But what pleased God, displeased Jonah. Does God's compassion and mercy on others displease us? Pastor Igor reminds us that God wants to save people from ALL nations.

Luke 18:9-14 - Igor Alexis

September 10, 2023 • Pastor Igor Alexis

Pastor Igor takes a piercing look at the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, contrasting the effects of pride and humility in our lives.

Luke 11:1-4 - Pastor Igor

October 10, 2021 • Pastor Igor Alexis

If God already knows everything, and promises to take care of His children, why do we need to pray? Pastor Igor takes us through Jesus' teaching in Luke 11, to explain what prayer really is and why believers still need to go to God in prayer.

Ephesians 5:15-21

March 10, 2022 • Pastor Igor Alexis

In Ephesians 5, the Apostle Paul gives a basic process for cultivating a dynamic Christian life. Pastor Igor takes us through those steps in order to help us take our relationship with Jesus, His church and our world to a deeper level, one that allows us to experience more fully all that God has for us in Christ.

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 - Pastor Igor

December 2, 2021 • Pastor Igor Alexis

Imagine a book in the Bible where God is silent, and instead man's philosophy is forefront. Today Pastor Igor opens an Old Testament book that was never quoted by New Testament authors. Why did God have Ecclesiastes included in the canon of scripture? We'll see it is a book that asks a question that is answered elsewhere.

Luke 11:1-4

June 16, 2021 • Pastor Igor Alexis

Matthew 26:69-75

June 6, 2021 • Pastor Igor Alexis

Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 Pastor Igor

December 22, 2021 • Pastor Igor Alexis

Solomon was said to be the wisest man who ever lived, but in Ecclesiastes he vainly looks for meaning in life. If he couldn't find ultimate meaning and satisfaction, can we? Yes, we can, and in this study, Pastor Igor reveals the error Solomon made in looking for life's meaning under the sun when in fact, it is beyond the sun.

Luke 17

August 5, 2020 • Pastor Igor