
Job 2022

Job 1:20-2:13

October 5, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

Once we choose to follow Jesus there is a battle for our testimony. We see this clearly in Job, where the curtain is pulled back for us to see what is going on in the spiritual realm. Satan wants us to judge the love of God by our circumstances. However, Pastor Mat points out that God wants us to make choices that glorify Him no matter what our circumstances. Listen and find the key for being able to do just that.

Job 1

September 28, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

The Book of Job can be challenging. It is likely the first book of the Old Testament written, and contains a behind-the-scenes look at the spiritual realm's impact on one man's life. Pastor Mat points out as we begin, that our response to difficult situations in our lives will reveal if they will be trials used to strengthen us or temptations used to draw us away from the Lord.