
Galatians 2022

Galatians 5:24-6:10 - Pastor JIn

September 4, 2022

What should we do when a believer we know falls into sin? If we are not to ignore or excuse those overtaken with sin, what then are we to do? As we continue in Galatians 6, Pastor Jin looks at this question. We will also learn what it means for us to sow to the Spirit.

Galatians 5:16-26

August 28, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

Believers in Christ don't always feel like walking in the Spirit. Why? Because of the trials we might face; because of the spiritual battles that we may have to fight. How do we overcome the temptation to give in? How do we keep Jesus on the throne of our hearts? Pastor Mat gives the answers from these verses containing the Apostle Paul's teaching on the works of the flesh versus the fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:1-18

August 21, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

In the first part of Galatians 5, Pastor Mat talks about two dangers in the Christian life that can make our relationship with Jesus fall out of balance. We'll also look at what it means when Scripture says we are walking in the flesh and what it means to be walking in the Spirit. Once again, finding the right path comes down to our individual relationships with Jesus.

Galatians 4

August 14, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

We must either relate to God through the Law or through the Spirit. But since Scripture tells us that we can never be justified by the works of the Law, Pastor Mat points out that a true relationship with God can only be realized through the Spirit and our faith in Jesus Christ. Paul illustrates the choice we have to make by reminding us about Abraham's two sons: one born of the flesh, and one born of Promise.

Galatians 3

August 7, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

As we continue in Galatians, the Apostle Paul confronts the church's departure from the principle of faith. The Judaisers wanted people to live holy lives by the Law, and they worried people would take advantage of grace and live however they pleased. Pastor Mat reminds us all that the Law is good but we are not saved by keeping it. How then should we live our lives?

Galatians 2

July 31, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

Paul's teaching in Galatians Two is packed with truths. Pastor Mat deals with a number of them as he goes through the chapter, tackling questions like: Do Christians need to be circumcised? What is meant by us being a "living sacrifice"? What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? And Does grace give the believer a license to sin?

Galatians 1:9-24

July 24, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

How is true Christianity different from all other religions? Pastor Mat declares that one important way is that it is not man-made. What does that mean? We will look at that as we continue with the Apostle Paul's letter dealing in large part with the importance of not adding rituals and other requirements to salvation by grace through faith.

Galatians 1:1-9

July 17, 2022 • Pastor Mathew Nadworny

Grace is mentioned over 100 times in Paul's letter to the Galatians. Churches are often reluctant to preach about grace, for fear people will take advantage of it and sin freely. Does the idea of grace cause believers to backslide into sin? Does fear of grace make us add works to it for salvation? Pastor Mat looks at that and warns that if Satan can't get us to backslide, he'll try to get us to front-slide. What is that? Listen and find out.